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Ole Weidner’s Personal Blog
Hi, I am Ole Weidner, a software engineer with an extensive background in high-performance and distributed computing, data platforms and AI/ML engineering. As an engineering leader, I have built up and grown global data and AI/ML engineering teams and have worked on a broad range of digital transformation and data strategy topics. Beyond that, I am interested in the strategic application of frugal innovation, sustainable software engineering, and open source software development.
I currently work for the LEGO Group, the world’s most beloved toy brand, where I head up AI/ML engineering and data science experience (DSX) and enablement. I’m also on the advisory board of Simultac, an early-stage hardware/software startup company with the mission to revolutionize the space of very large-scale graph computation and neural network acceleration.
Before moving into the private sector, I spent a decade or so working as a research software engineer in high-performance and distributed computing where I had a lot of fun writing software for supercomputers and computing federations, such as SAGA and RADICAL-Pilot.
I received my PhD in computer science at the University of Edinburgh in 2021, where I was advised by Prof. Malcolm Atkinson. My research explores telemetry data management, observability approaches and data-/AI-driven resilient, self-optimizing software architectures for HPC applications. You can find a list of my publications on Google Scholar.
What is this site? 🔗
I started this blog as a place to casually share and archive my notes and writings on topics I find interesting, mostly stuff about data and AI strategy and architecture, vintage computing, and a bit on my academic research.
Contact 🔗
I’d love to hear about your thoughts and ideas! Send me a message and I will see if I can help. You can email me at hello@oleweidner.com or connect with me on Mastodon and LinkedIn.